Redline- Community

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to hear and document Redline artists talk about their work in an "in-house" professional development exercise to practice public speaking. Each artist had 3 minutes to explain their work and got 3 minutes of feedback on their presentation skills. This was the brainchild of our fabulous AIR coordinator and fellow mentor: Dara Larson. It was a fantastic exercise in articulating our thoughts behind our work in concise yet descriptive ways. 

Some of us may have been excited, some may have been nervous or terrified but by the end of it, we all seemed to have bonded through this act of sharing- of work, thoughts, struggles and quests. It is always so wonderful to hear about the thoughts, processes, intent and research that goes into an artist's work. Everyone of us walked away feeling relieved that its over but also a little bit more empowered and invigorated by our connection to each other.

Featured below is work by current Redline emerging artists-

Learn more about Redline Milwaukee at

Skully Gustavson

Skully Gustavson

Natalie Schmitting

Natalie Schmitting

Jody Emery

Jody Emery

Katie Ryan

Katie Ryan

Miles Buss

Miles Buss

Cynthia Brinich- Lanlois

Cynthia Brinich- Lanlois

Jamie Bruchman

Jamie Bruchman

Nina Ghanbarzadeh

Nina Ghanbarzadeh

Luke Farley 

Luke Farley


Carley Huibregtse

Carley Huibregtse

Sue Lawton

Sue Lawton

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